Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Sam's Club Membership Fees Are Going Up - Inflation Is Everywhere...

I received this notice from Sam's Club today notifying us that our membership was going to go up. See how they tried to play it? The membership is going up this year, but they are giving it back to us. First, they want to be heroes by showing empathy for our wallets and second, we have to spend more money at their store to get it back. This is not for our benefit. 

I also included the earnings report below for Walmart Inc. (Sam's Club included) Their net income was up 20.42% to 5.15 Billon dollars. 

Sam's Club

Walmart Earnings Report

(USD)Jul 2022Y/Y
Net income5.15B
Diluted EPS1.88
Net profit margin3.37%-
Operating income6.85B
Net change in cash2.11B
Cash on hand--
Cost of revenue115.84B

I'm not sure how raising all of our membership fees is somehow helping us out during the worst inflation we have ever seen in our lifetime. I just want them to speak the truth instead of trying to convince us of their hero status. Sam's Club, you are a great store for us. Please, just the facts. The world is already full of garbage. Don't add to the pile...

Now, that being said, this is our favorite place to shop. I still believe that some of the best prices can be found at Sam's Club. The benefits outweigh the membership fees. You really have to watch sales at other stores, jump through all their hoops to get the sales price, download coupons, buy 10 participating items and more. Just give us the price, so we can stop wasting our time trying to figure out your crazy system. Plus, with the cost of fuel it doesn't make sense for us to run all over the place. This option is no longer a viable option.

Mrs. Smith

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Preparing For Winter...

It is cooling off in the evenings and during the overnight hours. We are barely clinging to 40 degrees in the mornings. It will not be long until we start seeing snow on the highest peaks that will not go away until Summer. 

We are getting ready. Number One is negotiating the price of propane. It is bonkers crazy high right now. Did you know that you can usually negotiate the price of propane? Start negotiating during the hottest part of the year when they need the business. They will be more willing to come down on the price. They are really sticking it to us this year. We will not come out of this unscathed even with negotiations. The prices are the highest prices that we have ever seen. Over double the price that we paid last year. 

Even though fuel prices are going down, propane companies are still trying to price gouge customers with extremely high prices.

With that being said, I cannot stress enough the need to winterize and insulate your home and yourself. Prepare for the cold months by sealing up any areas where unwanted cold air can come into your home. Replace old weather stripping that is no longer effective. Hang drapes or window coverings. This will also help insulate your home. Shut off any extra rooms that do not need to be heated. 

Now, for insulating yourself. Put on more clothes. Wear warm socks and shoes. Turn down the thermostat. This alone will save you a lot of your hard earned money. Invest in yourself instead of making energy companies rich. 

And for goodness' sake cover up with a blanket and don't forget about your pets!!!

Sam's delivered these to my home for $10.98. This of course does not include tax. 

Prepare your vehicles for cold weather too. If you live in a cold climate, always prepare by having a breakdown bag in your vehicle. We keep extra hats, gloves and ski pants in a bag that we grab when we head out the door. We keep sleeping bags in the car.  We also keep snacks, candles, matches, a can of heat and hand warmers in a number 10 can with a lid. A friend from church gave us an emergency number 10 can for our car a few years ago that had all these items inside. It was a great gift and a great idea. Be sure to replace the snacks if you eat them. 

Don't get complacent...

Winter is coming...

Mrs. Smith

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Cinnamon Raisin Artisan Bread - No Knead Recipe...


This recipe is so simple. I made two loaves, one cinnamon raisin and one plain using the same dough recipe. Baking two or more loaves at once saves us time, money and energy.  

Beautiful loaves with wonderful flavor.
3 C All Purpose Flour
2 Heaping Tsp Cinnamon
1/4 C Brown Sugar
1 Tsp Salt
1 Tsp Yeast
2/3 C Soaked Raisins (Soaked 20 minutes in very warm water and drained.)
1 1/2 C Warm Water


Mix dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Add soaked and drained raisins along with warm water to dry ingredients. Mix with a sturdy spoon until fully incorporated. Do not overmix. Dough will be sticky. Cover dough with plastic wrap and let rise 8-12 hours or overnight. Pre-heat oven to 450 degrees along with your Dutch oven and lid for 30 Minutes. While the oven and Dutch oven is pre-heating, dust countertop with flour and pour dough out. Dust top of dough with flour and fold dough into a loosely formed ball. Do not knead the dough. Let rest until oven and Dutch oven are pre-heated. Remove Dutch oven from oven. Be careful, it will be really hot. Remove lid. Place loose dough ball in the center of a large sheet of parchment paper. Place dough in the Dutch oven. Put lid back on and place in the oven. Bake for 30 minutes, then remove lid and bake for another 15 minutes. Remove loaf from pot and let cool on a wire rack for at least 20 minutes before slicing. 

For a plain loaf of bread, omit cinnamon, brown sugar and raisins. 
Bake two loaves at a time to save on energy.
Other dried fruits like cranberries, blueberries or dates can be used instead of raisins.
I used my 3 and 4 quart heavy pots with lids to bake in and they worked just fine. My Dutch oven is simply too big to bake in for this recipe. 
I made two kinds of loaves.

Sticky cinnamon raisin dough.

First cup of tea for an early start to the day.

Sticky plain dough.

This recipe also works in a very cool kitchen. 

Loosely formed dough balls.

Dough on sheets of parchment paper. 

Gently place dough into hot pot or Dutch oven.

Don't forget to put the lid back on before baking,

Cinnamon Raisin Loaf.

Plain Loaf.

We had freshly baked bread with cream cheese for breakfast.

Mrs. Smith

Friday, August 19, 2022

Finding Rest...


“Remember the day, Shabbat, to set it apart for God. You have six days to labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Shabbat for Adonai your God. On it, you are not to do any kind of work — not you, your son or your daughter, not your male or female slave, not your livestock, and not the foreigner staying with you inside the gates to your property. 11 For in six days, Adonai made heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them; but on the seventh day he rested. This is why Adonai blessed the day, Shabbat, and separated it for himself.  Exodus 20:8-11

27 Then he said to them, “Shabbat was made for mankind, not mankind for Shabbat;  Mark:2:27   

So there remains a Shabbat-keeping for God’s people. 10 For the one who has entered God’s rest has also rested from his own works, as God did from his.  Hebrews 4:9-10

Shabbat Shalom,

Mrs. Smith

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Creating A Quiet Space In Your Home...

We have a small home. It was hard to find a spot to have a quiet place and avoid distractions. I need it pretty quiet or I am totally distracted and unable to focus. I have built up my space over time. In my space I pray, read, study, journal, blog, write and work. I have Scriptures that I am memorizing hanging on the wall. My Bible, journal, books, studies and usually a cookbook that I am reading are on my table along with extra pens, pencils, stickies and paperclips. I also keep scrap paper for jotting down notes, ideas and reminders. Lip balm and tea are a must.

My little space has a window that I can look out over God's creation. It is well lit from the window and the  lamp. I have a bookcase and a table barrel at my fingertips for storage. My computer and printer are also close at hand. I sit on the couch next to the dog. She will not have it any other way. She needs to be close to me. She is nearly blind and deaf now. 

Just one of the views from my window.

Princess Abigail is my loyal sidekick.

A different day and a different view.

My little area is important to me. Every morning I sit and have my tea, pray and start my Bible studies from this quiet place. I check out current events, blogs and vlogs on the computer before Number One gets up. I can watch television from my space, but I rarely do. 

I encourage you to have a quiet place such as a prayer closet, a room, office or just a corner like mine for spending time with Yahweh in prayer, journaling, studying, planning, writing, reading or working. It is a blessing to me to have this space, but most importantly I am accessible to my loved ones at all times. This is not a hiding place. It is a gathering place for my thoughts and for anyone who walks by. 

Mrs. Smith

Monday, August 15, 2022

I Have Never Seen A Weather Forecast Like This Here!!!

I have been a witness to one flash flood here, but it was not in the forecast. We had a river running through our back 40. It was beautiful. The house was safe, but the road was impassable, so I had to jump a ditch through the neighbor's property and wind around to get home. We have massive drainage pipes and sandy dry creek beds to handle great amounts of runoff. I'm curious to see what a flood watch and heavy rains look like when they are in the forecast.

A beautiful sunset over the peak of the chicken coop.

Yesterday's double rainbow. The lightening was so bad that I couldn't chance taking the photos outside. 

The thunder was well, thunderous. 

The winding river...

We have big skies out here to see storms brewing from miles away.

I was thinking this morning about the power of lightening and then I thought to myself imagine the power of Yahweh...

54 Then to the crowds Yeshua said, “When you see a cloud-bank rising in the west, at once you say that a rainstorm is coming; 55 and when the wind is from the south, you say there will be a heat wave, and there is. 56 Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky — how is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present time?
Luke 12:54-56 CJB

Mrs. Smith

Friday, August 12, 2022

God's Big Screen - Shabbat Shalom


The mornings are getting cooler...

This morning's Sturgeon Super Moon. This is the last Super Moon of the year.

Last Night's view of the Sturgeon Super Moon.

The hummingbirds are up for the night. Super Moon rising...

Isn't he grand?

Number One's favorite breakfast. Homemade chicken strips with gravy. A breakfast for champions. Lol

Company is coming...

This time we had the gate closed...

Everyone got some graham crackers.

Momma and Pumpkin. 

The package is empty...

Precious Old Lady...


Wild Ride...

Sun Oven Selfie...


Very close...


Double Rainbow...

Time to get busy..

Shabbat Shalom,
Mrs. Smith

Big Box Delivered Today!