Thursday, August 25, 2022

Preparing For Winter...

It is cooling off in the evenings and during the overnight hours. We are barely clinging to 40 degrees in the mornings. It will not be long until we start seeing snow on the highest peaks that will not go away until Summer. 

We are getting ready. Number One is negotiating the price of propane. It is bonkers crazy high right now. Did you know that you can usually negotiate the price of propane? Start negotiating during the hottest part of the year when they need the business. They will be more willing to come down on the price. They are really sticking it to us this year. We will not come out of this unscathed even with negotiations. The prices are the highest prices that we have ever seen. Over double the price that we paid last year. 

Even though fuel prices are going down, propane companies are still trying to price gouge customers with extremely high prices.

With that being said, I cannot stress enough the need to winterize and insulate your home and yourself. Prepare for the cold months by sealing up any areas where unwanted cold air can come into your home. Replace old weather stripping that is no longer effective. Hang drapes or window coverings. This will also help insulate your home. Shut off any extra rooms that do not need to be heated. 

Now, for insulating yourself. Put on more clothes. Wear warm socks and shoes. Turn down the thermostat. This alone will save you a lot of your hard earned money. Invest in yourself instead of making energy companies rich. 

And for goodness' sake cover up with a blanket and don't forget about your pets!!!

Sam's delivered these to my home for $10.98. This of course does not include tax. 

Prepare your vehicles for cold weather too. If you live in a cold climate, always prepare by having a breakdown bag in your vehicle. We keep extra hats, gloves and ski pants in a bag that we grab when we head out the door. We keep sleeping bags in the car.  We also keep snacks, candles, matches, a can of heat and hand warmers in a number 10 can with a lid. A friend from church gave us an emergency number 10 can for our car a few years ago that had all these items inside. It was a great gift and a great idea. Be sure to replace the snacks if you eat them. 

Don't get complacent...

Winter is coming...

Mrs. Smith

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