Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Strange Happenings

Well, I woke up a couple of days ago and we didn't have any power. That seemed strange to me because we had to run the generator the day before because of the lack of sun. Something had really drained our power. Then, we had a pipe burst last night.

Thinking back a few nights ago I woke up and heard the pump running. That's really strange, since no water was running. I'm thinking that the pipe was leaking and it finally burst last night. This, I believe, has been going on for a while. We have been using a lot more water than normal. This "leak" would explain some of the strange happenings.

We filled up our cistern and had the pipe repaired. We will have to wait and see how much water we use to determine if we indeed had a leak. Number One isn't quite as convinced as I am......

Getting a little sun light on the subject....

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