Monday, December 26, 2011

Turkey Hunting

While I was cleaning up after Christmas dinner , Hiho decided to try and hunt down the turkey.  Number One caught it on the cell phone camera. She found the turkey, but could not pull the trigger.

Number One smoked this turkey breast on the grill for almost three hours. It was awesome! We had butter beans, greens with chow chow, roasted potatoes with garlic and onions with homemade bread. Yummy!

My mom called and came  up with two more ways to prepare potatoes. First, creamed potatoes. Second, roasted potatoes. Thanks mom!

While we were outside, we saw a couple of eagles, ravens and a coyote. They were taking turns feeding on a carcass. We got this picture of the eagle. These birds are huge. They won't back down for a coyote, since they are almost the same size. The day before, we saw a coyote chasing a rabbit down our road with another coyote close behind. The rabbit left them in the snow. They didn't catch the rabbit. Number One scared off the second coyote.

We had a wonderful Christmas. We listened to Christmas music, read scripture and prepared our meals together. What a blessing it's been to share these things and my life with my loving husband and best friend. I pray that each and every one of you have also had a blessed Christmas.....

Bald Eagle....


Blurry Abby....

Hiho sun bathing....

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