Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Turkey (carcass) Stew

As I trimmed the meat off the Christmas turkey for sandwiches, I debated on what to do with the carcass. They only thing that I knew for sure was that I was going to boil the carcass with carrots, onions, garlic, celery and spices until the meat fell off. I could then pick the last scraps of meat off the bones, freeze the stock or make some form of soup. After two hours of stewing, I decided to make Turkey (carcass) Stew.

It's rich broth would provide nourishment and sustain us through many meals. I added potatoes and cabbage to the already stewed carrots, celery and onions to give the broth it's hearty consistency. I will freeze a large portion of the stew for quick and easy meals on the coldest of days. A real treat after being out all day in the harsh weather.

Spices and root vegetables give the stew it's deep rich flavor.
Add your favorites to the pot.

In a large pot, add enough water to cover your turkey carcass. Add
carrots, onions, garlic and spices. Simmer on low until meat falls off
the bones.

Remove the carcass from the broth, then pick the meat off the bones.
Add the meat back into the pot.

Prepare your root vegetables to add to the stew.

I love cabbage....

Add cabbage...

and chunky  potatoes...

Simmer until your veggies are done. Add salt and pepper to taste.


If you are freezing your excess, be sure to let it cool before storing it in any plastic. Hot plastic can leach toxins into your food. I use glass to store all my foods whether it's in the refrigerator, freezer or in my pantry. I re-use jars(except pickle jars) that I get from the grocery store or I use canning jars.

 I also do not store food in the boxes that they come in from the store. Bugs love the glue that they use to hold the boxes together. I do not want to have to use toxic sprays to get rid of a bug  infestation. Once in your panrty, they will not stop until the have ruined everything that they can get into. This was an expensive lesson for us to learn. 

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Shabbat Shalom!