Monday, January 30, 2012

Beth Moore Bible Study - A Mighty Spiritual Workout...

This is my second Beth Moore study and let me tell you it is not for commitment weaklings. This study is spiritually labor intensive and requires a 10 week commitment to learn and a life long commitment to enhance your relationship with God. Be prepared to sweep the cobwebs out of your brain if you do any Beth Moore bible study.

Beth Moore is a down to earth spirit led teacher who will challenge you to go deeper into the word of God, deeper than most of us have been before. You not only learn about God, but also about yourself too.

Living out like we do does not promote a great deal of fellowship opportunities, so I also reap the benefits of fellowship with other women. Every week we get together to discuss the previous week's studies and watch the current week's session. We sing and pray to God and learn His word.

Last week, we were given an assignment to be an accountability partner of sorts and call on each other on the phone to hear the memory verses for the week. We also encouraged one another to complete the task at hand.

The scripture Jeremiah 33:3 really struck a chord with me today. I wrote it down, prayed to God about it and added it to my memory scripture cards. I look forward to "calling to God" to hear "great and mighty things".

Jeremiah 33:3

New American Standard Bible (NASB)
3Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’
Scripture memory Cards

I placed the scripture cards on my kitchen cabinet door, so when I see
them as I go about my day I read them out loud to help me memorize them.
I encourage everyone to be involved in a bible study at home, at church or with friends. Delving into God's word will bring you closer to God, strengthen you and will give you the tools necessary to live life during good times and bad times.....

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Shabbat Shalom!