Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Eatin' A Little Dirt Never Hurt No One!

Sunset was a bit hazy for a clear day...

There was no place that was safe from the dust...

After the sun went behind the mountains...

We had some pretty good winds yesterday. This is normal, however, it is so dry that the winds picked up the dust and dirt which created a hazy dirt filled day. We went to town and were sandblasted on many occasions through the windows of the car. We would try to roll up the windows as fast as we could to escape the blasts of dirt, but we were not always successful.

This flow of dirt gets in your pockets, your mouth, your eyes and in your hair. We always joke that we are getting our minerals from the dirt we are chewing on. I noticed that our roofs and door jams have what looks like dried mud spots on them. It must have rained muddy rain while we were away. It wouldn't be the first time. At least it's not all over the windows like it has been in the past.

In the pictures posted above, the dust is blocking out a whole mountain range. It's not too bad today. It's a little breezy, but not much dust so far. I can at least see the mountain range that was missing yesterday...

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