Monday, March 26, 2012

Joplin Missouri

We traveled through Joplin Missouri on our way to our home in the Ozarks. We actually went back there a couple of times to support the local businesses while we were in the Ozarks. I used to shop there regularly. I really liked everything that the town had to offer, especially the friendliness of it's people. I really was in shock when I saw the damage that last year's tornado had done.

There are missing blocks, houses and business's. Most everything that's left looks brand new. Familiar landmarks were gone. I was having a hard time figuring out where I was. Handmade signs and billboards are memorials that represent the pain this town has been through, but they also offer hope and give strength to this community. They still have a ways to go since there are still so many in FEMA trailers. Brick by brick they will prevail.

May God bless each and everyone of you. May He lessen your pain and loss. May He strengthen you and your community. In Jesus Name, Amen and Amen....

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