Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Promise Of Spring, Grain And Happiness

I saw my first bluebird this morning on the fence post when I looked out the window to see what God had in store for this day. I was unable to snap a picture, because the wind picked up almost immediately. The promise of Spring has come with the arrival of the bluebirds, not quite yet, we have another snow event heading our way.

Yesterday, I noticed that a bull was inside my neighbors fence. I called the rancher who free ranges his cattle in our area to come let him out, however, the bull is back in the fence this morning. He had been in the fenced area for quite sometime before I realized he was actually inside the fence. It's amazing how, like us, the bull doesn't realize he is a captive by his own desire to have more. He had plenty outside the fence, just like us, we have plenty too, but our desires entice us into the captivity of debt. He didn't learn that there was no water inside that fence. Have we learned anything about our personnel and governmental debt? I sure hope that we are smarter than that bull. The bull has destroyed the neighbors fence, but still can't figure out how to get out? I don't think our government has figured out how to get out of debt either. Money cannot buy happiness at all. At best, it helps with day to day needs, however, debt is not money and is certainly not happiness.

A friend of mine asked if I would help her catch a goat that she was milking for a women who's sister passed away and had to leave unexpectedly. She was having a time catching her even with the promise of grain. I love goats. They are smart, funny and love to play. I think that the goat missed it's owner and wanted to keep my friend there as long as she could, however, it was well below freezing and the wind was not helping.

This picture is borrowed, it is a true depiction
of a goat's nature.

The goat's home is not very far from our ranch, so I headed out on a goat catching expedition. I think there was about five or six goats, one old dog and a cat that no one knew was living there until I saw it in the window. The other goats wanted love, so they followed us around like puppies, but Nutmeg, the elusive goat, remained at arms length. Laughing and playing as she ran around and around the small barn. Once cornered, she willingly went inside the milking area and jumped up on the stanchion awaiting her payment of grain.

Nutmeg provides milk for an infant who does not tolerate cow's milk, however, with the arrival of new kids from another goat, Nutmeg is only milked once a day. The new mother will provide the milk in the near future. I had the opportunity to milk Nutmeg and it was a fun experience that helps me make the decision between a cow or a goat. I want both.

Number One helped out yesterday with the goats only to discover how smart they are, they all escaped into the outer paddock. They were having fun teasing the new guy. Number One had a great laugh as they escaped over and over. All the goats received their fill of grain, loving attention and entertainment. Their "momma" is probably already home safe and giving the goats plenty of what we lacked in our efforts to care for them.

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