Sunday, April 22, 2012

Just Thinking...

Church Program

I returned home from church shortly after noon today. It was a powerful sermon about being called into service by God. I visited for a short time after the service with some of the ladies, then headed home. I took the scenic route home. (Ha! Ha, it's all scenic in the Rockies)I wanted to find a shorter route home that didn't require a four wheel drive. It was a mile farther, but a different kind of scenery than on the usual route. I didn't mind, since I was in awe of God's handywork. What an awesome God we have!

I thawed out some chicken breasts last night to cook for our Sunday evening dinner, so when I got home from church I started cooking.  I turned on the oven, seasoned the breasts and baked them with a couple of baking(pre-cooked) potatoes. I also baked a small boneless ham for next week's lunches. While all that was baking, I whipped up a potato salad to go with the ham next week. I boil potatoes every week and store them in the refrigerator to use for hash browns or things like potato salad. Potatoes take forever to cook at this altitude, so boiling them first saves time and energy.  It's going to be a busy week, so I'm planning ahead for some of our meals.

Baked chicken breasts seasoned with homemade garlic salt,
fresh ground peppercorns and cayenne pepper.

I will slice the ham to make sandwiches for our lunches.

I will serve the potato salad as a side dish
for the ham sandwiches.

While I was at it, I made some gravy out
of the chicken drippings for our breakfast in
the morning.
I cooked all of this food, cleaned up and worked on this post. It only took an hour to cook and clean. The post takes longer depending how off track I wonder. It is worth it to have meals on hand, since Number One is a "fly by the seat of your pants" kind of guy. This is part of being prepared for unplanned excursions that frequently occur at our home. There is not a Micky D's on any of the corners where we live. Even if there was, we would not spend money on it, unless we had no other choice. What would you rather eat? Me? We travel so often that if I do not ever eat out at a fast food restaurant again, that would be fine with me.
 We carry most of our meals with us to save money and to save our health. Last time we traveled, we had fried chicken, pasta salad and chili cheese baked potatoes with sour cream and butter( plus snacks). We ate out twice, at LJS and BK for under $16. LJS had their meals on sale(2 for $10).  Number One loves that stuff. If I eat out, I want Chinese or Mexican. I can't cook either of those worth a hoot. I like the real deal...

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