Monday, April 30, 2012

"Spring Cleaning" A Ladies Luncheon

We received two little buckets, one to keep and one to give away.
It has a mini version of the Bible study and a schedule inside.
Smart, smart, smart...

I attended a ladies luncheon at church on Saturday. It was an introduction to a new six week Bible study that I am starting next week called "My Heart - Christ's Home. All the ladies who attended prepared the finest salad fare and desserts. The room was cast in a "Spring" motif. I'm talking an award wining set if there was such an award.  It must have taken hours of work to get the room set up, but thanks to several, it was enjoyed by many.

When we arrived, Beth and Karen (ladies in charge of the ministry), had on cleaning scarves on their heads and cleaning overalls with their pockets stuffed full of sponges. They were so cute. The tables had bright cleaning buckets full of sponges, cleaners and other cleaning supplies for center pieces.                                                                        

The study is about cleaning out the temple (your body) where Christ dwells. There are 7 rooms inside your heart to clean out. The ladies had seven rooms set up inside the area where we were having our luncheon. They gave us an intimate look into the study that we will be delving into for the next six weeks.  As I venture through my rooms, I will share with you how to go about deep cleaning each room in your heart to make room for Christ to dwell. What kind of junk do you have in your rooms that you are expecting Christ to dwell in? This will be a cleansing experience that I look forward to.

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