Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day Letter From Pastor Joseph Prince

   I loved this email I received from Joseph Prince Ministries and thought that I would share it with you. Please forward it on to be a blessing to all who read it. I pray that everyone has a blessed day.


 To my own dad:  Happy Father's Day Dad. We love you....


...the glory of children is their father.

Dear beloved Fathers,
If there is anyone who knows how important the role of a father is, it's God. As our heavenly Father, He understands fatherhood firsthand! He knows the pains and the joys that you go through. And because God has appointed you the leaders of your families, the priests of your homes, the lovers, protectors and representation of God to your children, He has also surely equipped, anointed and empowered you for good success.
As we set aside this day to celebrate you, I want to encourage you to embrace your heavenly Father's love for you. Allow His unconditional, unending and unfailing love to wash over you and fill you completely. No matter what is happening around you, know that you can rest safe and secure in His perfect love.
If God did not withhold His one and only precious Son Jesus from you, why would He withhold anything good from you? (Romans 8:32)
Whatever you need today—call out to your heavenly Father, and freely receive from Him. Thank Him for His love, His wisdom, His provision, His healing and anything else that you need. He will not only supply to you, but He promises to supply exceedingly, abundantly and above all you can ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20)
May you know how truly loved and blessed you are today. Enjoy your special day with your family and allow the joy of the Lord to fill your hearts.
Have a blessed Father's Day!

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