Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Update: Dogs and Chickens

I have been very busy the last few days with the dogs, chickens and trying to get around the fires. We actually had to go a couple hundred miles out of the way to get the dogs to the vet for their check-ups after their operations. Our vet actually had to be evacuated today from her home, so she was not there, but another capable vet gave us the good news that Hi Ho's tumor was benign and took out her stitches. Abby was in good shape too. They both received their shoots for this year. They hate to go to the vet. I don't blame them, nothing good ever happens there.

Everything seems to have been topsy turvy this past week. We have had our mattress on the floor, since Hi Ho tore a stitch first thing after jumping off the bed. It was actually in the living room on the floor. This gave me the opportunity to re-arrange the bedroom and clean every square inch, except the closet, that is on the list for tomorrow. This morning we put the mattress back in the bedroom, since Hi Ho was getting her stitches out.

It has been so hot here. I have never seen it above 80* til this week. We love when it is in the 60's in the house. It has been in the 80's in the house. We can't exactly turn on air that we don't have, nobody has air here. I usually do not wear shorts here in the summer unless I want a little sun, but anything more and I can't stand it. It looks like it will be back in the seventies next week. I hope that this helps with the fires. Please keep everyone in your prayers and pray for windless rain.

I love my chickens. I'm still trying to figure out what's best for them. I have named three of the roosters even though I am only keeping two of them. Ben Walton (Ben) from the Walton's, he is the smallest with a bright red comb. Cliff, he has a strange shaped beak and Cass, (Cassanova) he is in love with me. They are all sweet. I had 22, but one rooster died the second night. Shade, wind and heat have been issues all week. I have spent all week moving temporary shade around, so they would be cool enough. We will start a permanant coop as soon as it cools down.

I will get pictures posted soon. I took my camera with me today with the hope of getting some good fire pictures, but could not bring myself to take pictures of people's lives going up in flames. There are a lot of pictures out there to see what it's like. I do not fault anyone for taking pictures, I was just convicted not to take any. It was very emotional for me to see the distruction. I hope that you understand.


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