Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Living Proof Live

I was blessed with the opportunity to go with a few of my dear sister's in Christ to a Beth Moore Living Proof Live Ministries Conference. It was AWESOME!!! Yes, I'm yelling at the top of my lungs. The auditorium was filled with thousands of women and a few men praising God. The Holy Spirit was definately with us as we worshipped our Lord.

The LPM team ministered to all the fire victims. The evacuee's received free admission, water and all the love they could handle. LPM continued blessing us by matching all the donations made to Samaratan's Purse. 100 % of all donations went directly to the fire victims. Praise God!

If you ever have the opportunity to attend one of these wonderful conferences, do it! You will be blessed and renewed. We stayed overnight at a fancy hotel, enjoyed a short time in the pool/ hot tub, ate way too much food and had a wonderful time of fellowship.

I have renewed my desire to complete my most important goals and with God's strength I will see them to fruition. The vail of my heart has been torn in two and I am ready for God's instruction in every aspect in my life.

 God, I'm listening. Help me to hear you and obey your will for me. In Jesus Christ name I pray. Amen and Amen

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