Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Egg Shortages, Inflation And Drought

I went to my local grocer yesterday and saw a sign that read " Due to excessive heat in the Midwest, brown eggs and jumbo eggs are in short supply and we will not be able to stock them at this time". Sorry, etc...

Next to the large grade A eggs was a price tag that read $2.35 a dozen. I usually can buy them there on sale for .99 a dozen. This isn't a price gouging place either. I bought 5 bell peppers for $1 while I was there. They have good produce and it's where I usually buy meat when it's on sale. They have superior prices and good service too.

I looked to see if there was any news on this problem, but couldn't find anything pertaining to eggs, however, I found this article:

Fieldale Farms: Drought could hamper chicken supply

Fieldale Farms: Drought could hamper chicken supply

//08 Aug 2012
Georgia, USA, poultry officials say the ongoing drought that is devastating crops in the Midwest might lead to a shortage of chickens for consumers.
Emory Forrester, director of feed milling and feed delivery for Baldwin-based Fieldale Farms, says that if the drought continues, consumers could see that demand could outpace the supply of chickens.
Forrester told The Times of Gainesville that 98% of his operation's corn comes from the Midwest, which has been devastated by the drought.
Fieldale uses about 11,000 tons, or about 392,000 bushels, of corn per week, “and we’re paying a high price for corn delivered in Baldwin, and this drought is only going to run it up to where it’s going to be more expensive,” he added.
The impact on consumers might come in the form of less chicken in stores rather than higher prices.
“If you go up on your price and the consumer walks away from it, then it backs up in the pipeline,” Forrester said. “It’s just a situation where supply and demand have got to get in line. And demand, if this drought keeps up, is going to be more than the supply.”
One of the "boys" catching a breeze.
While I was searching I found other articles from around the globe stating that egg shortages were becoming a problem due to drought. Not only eggs and chickens, but cattle too.
They can manipulate their feathers to cool off.
With the prices of food already rising this could only make things worse. Chicken feed is already expensive. I don't know what it will be when the crops (what's left of them) are all harvested. It's not just corn, but wheat too. I haven't kept up with other crops. I pray for an end to this drought.
I started giving them a bucket of water during the heat
of the day, so they don't have to go back to their coop. They
love fresh cool water.
My chicken's may indeed lay golden eggs one day. (I sure hope not) Eggs have always been a healthy inexpensive form of protein. God help us all...

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