Thursday, August 9, 2012


Sleepy and cross-eyed. I'm talking about me.

It has been a very hectic week. We trapped at least 20 lbs of crawfish on Tuesday which took 4 hours to boil, de-vain and put up. They are so big that I am harvesting the claw meat too. We trapped at least 25 to 30 lbs last night that still need to be taken care of and we hope to get another 25 lbs tonight. Plus, I have been shoveling up weeds in the parking lot at church for two days, so new gravel could be put down today. Talk about hard labor. My friend and I finished it yesterday about 5:30. I was worn out by the time last night rolled around. I got a little sun burned too. My ears got the worst of it. I only wore my ball cap. Live and learn, huh?

The tail meat is usually the only part used.

I will have to get up at 5 am in the morning to pick up the traps and start processing the crawfish. It is also preparation day for the Sabbath. I also was wanting to do a little night fishing tonight, however, the wind is really getting down out there right now. I may have to fish in the morning after picking up the traps. I would love to have some grilled trout for our Sabbath meal.

One of the many large crawfish in our traps.

Fishing will be over with soon and I don't have a fish in the freezer. We met some men from the city who gave us their fish heads and guts today for use in our traps. We ended up with 16 trout heads, scraps and guts. The crawfish love them. They all caught the limit for trout. I had high hopes for catching fish this morning. The van was packed and ready to go, but I was exhausted and had to come back home to catch up on some more sleep. I awoke at 9:20 am to the inverter fan that goes off every morning on sunny days. I was shocked that I went back to sleep for 3 more hours.

Number One peeled the tails while I cracked the claws.

I used the spoon to demonstrate how
big the tail meat portions really are.

Cooked crawfish.

Thanks for the crawfish traps Boudreaux.

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