Sunday, September 23, 2012

Coyotes And Golden Eagles

The weather is changing and that has all the critters out trying to fatten up before the cold months of winter appear. For the last week we have seen an increase of predators. We have an enormous coyote who has the strangest hours and as of yesterday there have been three golden eagles that have moved their hunting grounds over my chickens.

Since my chickens are well behaved pets they come when I call, so putting them back in their yard is easy as long as I have my blue sand bucket with the promise of a treat inside. They hate to be locked up during the day. I think that they know something is not quite right. They have been clinging to the porch as close as I will let them anyway. They are still not potty trained ya know!

I had a rare break this past week. Number One headed off without me, so I caught up on housework and cooking. Yesterday, I baked homemade oat bread in my new pans, cooked spaghetti, beef enchiladas and meatloaf (two). I had almost five pounds of hamburger to spread out as far as I could. I also made two hamburger patties for Number One. He loves hamburgers. I left the camera in the vehicle, so I had no way to take pictures. Sorry!

Number One made it home last night. Although I enjoyed my time alone I sure missed him. I accomplish a lot when I am by myself. Go figure. The puppies miss him too. They don't like to go to bed without him. They wait on top of the covers until they are convinced he's not coming home. It's so sad. They are nervous and bark at any little noise they think they hear. Makes for an interesting night.

The heat has been coming on at least twice at night and once in the morning. We have had some heavy frosts the past week or so. It's a cool 34* right now. The chickens are enjoying some pineapple scraps from last night and some scratch. I try not to let them out too early for fear of the coyotes that are heading back to their den from their long night of hunting.

The balloons will not be landing in our yard anymore. We have asked them in the past not to drive on our property, but they continued to do it. So Number One did some investigating to figure out our rights as property owners and contacted the balloon company. He had enough of their antics and laid it all out for them. Tickets for everyone on board etc. This seemed to detour their lack of respect for our rights. Go Number One! I'm his biggest fan. He has also contacted the other property owners about the hunters who insist on hunting on private property endangering the lives of those who live out here.

Our friends who just had a well drilled are allowing us to use it. The are right down the road. Praise God! It saves us wear and tear on our vehicle, fuel, time and money. We are helping them by watering their trees that they just planted and we keep a watchful eye on their place. Love thy neighbor!

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