Saturday, September 7, 2013

"Next Year"

I woke up very early this morning. I tried to go back to sleep, but just kept tossing and turning in the bed and realized that I needed to just get up. I started my usual routine with a cup of hot tea and my Bible devotion. Afterwards, I went out on the porch to watch the daylight peek through the mountains as it does everyday without fail and began to realize that this whole year and part of last year has been filled with a lot of "next years".

As I sit here with my trusty ice pack on my neck and back reminiscing about the things that I missed out on in the past year (feeling a little sorry for myself) I came to the conclusion that, Lord willing, I can participate next year in working, hiking, biking, fishing, riding, traveling, cooking (really cooking), cleaning, lifting and  pretty much everything else that I have been accustomed to doing whether for fun or out of necessity.

Miss M, my foraging partner, had to go without me this last time, so next year...

I stood by the pristine waters of a nearby river yesterday, yearning to be able to toss a line in and reel in a big trout, so next year...

I watched as my friend lifted her saddle onto her beautiful horse and prepared for a riding trip into the mountains, I could only watch, so next year...

I watched as Number One left out alone for a week at a time to earn a living without me, so next year...

This is just a few examples of my "next years". With the changing of the season comes the reality that the time has come and gone for many of these activities, so next year...

I have high hopes for next year. I certainly have been building it up in my mind and as far my fleeting moments of feeling sorry for myself I just tuck them away and look forward to "next year"...

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