Sunday, August 22, 2021

DITL On A Slow Day...

It has been a long and winding road for the whole world for quite some time now. We are still on this crazy road with its ups and downs. This has been a pretty slow uneventful restful day. With all the crazy in the world we are so thankful for a day like today...

It was beautiful morning. We can actually see the mountains today. There is still some haze from the smoke, but it is so much better. The world is on fire. We have droughts and floods going on at the same time in our country and all around the world. The weather is really crazy along with everything else that's going on.

I put on a pot of tea and went out to let the chickens out of their coop. I have kept the chickens locked up at night ever since we lost two to a coyote, had a badger dig under the chicken coop and had a bear tear up the chicken fence all within a two week period. Number One ran into the bear on our porch when he opened our front door and scared it off. It was a frightening experience for us too. I am so glad the Wildlife Officer brought out a pepper spray barrel to discourage the bear from coming back. Bears are very destructive. The bear came back the very next night and was pepper sprayed. We never saw it again. Apparently, it moved several miles away to a small fishing village. We haven't heard anything else about the bear. 

I poured myself a cup of tea and started my morning Bible study. I was a little behind on my weekly morning devotion, so I finished it up. Then I completed my study on Hosea using The Bible Study by Zach Windahl. 

I made Number One some quesadillas out of homemade refried beans that I made earlier in the morning with smoked sausage. I had been snacking, so I was not hungry. I did have a Shasta Twist. 

We love Shasta soda as an occasional treat and Sam's finally had it back in stock when I placed my last pick up order. They no longer ship this item, so it's really hard to get it. I can't just run and pick something up, since it's a three hour round trip to town and back. That is just driving time. 

We did a little work this evening. I didn't make anything for dinner. Number One had homemade granola. I just snacked a bit. I did a few dishes. We played several games of backgammon. That's it for today... 

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