Monday, August 16, 2021

The Bible Study: A One Year Study of the Bible by Zach Windahl - A Bible Study Review -


Old and New Testament Volumes


I absolutely love everything about this study. It is a complete study of the bible in it's entirety. Every book of the Bible is read chapter by chapter and verse by verse. Each week I read a book of the bible  then I complete a session from The Bible Study. That's it. It's that simple. 

The study itself is thought provoking. It helps me to grow in faith and in my relationship with God through His Word. It is a one year study that can be repeated every year. I answer the questions in a separate notebook, so I can use the study over and over again. I can look back and see my answers from the previous year to see my progress and growth.  

Every session gives and overview of the book including the book's author, date, audience, reason, theme, key verses, sections and key words. The format is easy to follow. The illustrations are really cool and simple. 

I have participated in many bible studies through the years and I have also led women's bible studies. I think this would make a great group study for men, women, young adults and families. There is also a 90 day youth addition.  

I highly recommend this study. 

Mrs. Smith 

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