Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Buying Tea In Bulk...Jasmine...Black...Oolong...

Tea is one of my favorite things. I have it everyday with honey. I drink it in the morning before I start my day. I have it in the afternoon after I have finished my to do list. I have it sometimes in the evening after a long day. I'm enjoying a cup right now. Tea is good anytime...

I purchase my favorite teas in bulk. It saves me a lot of money. I buy 5 pounds of loose leaf tea for $16 and 312 tea bags for just under $9. The bulk tea is the best bang for your buck. Five pounds makes a lot of tea. The next best thing is the small tea bags. I do buy small boxes of specialty teas on occasion, but I am partial to strong black teas. I discovered the loose leaf tea that I use at a large Asian grocery store in the city and I buy the tea bags that I use at Sam's Club. I Find that these two places have the best prices for tea in my area. 

For an individual cup of tea I use a tea cup strainer or for a pot of tea I use an old fashioned Pyrex glass percolator. I have tried the re-usable tea bags, but I really don't care for them at all. They just don't clean up very well and they alter the flavor of the tea. I have used several types of tea strainers and I prefer the stainless steel ones. 

My favorite tea cup recently broke. It was handmade by a friend of mine. It was a beautiful cup with a twisted handle. The cup kept the tea the perfect temperature all the way to the bottom. It was the perfect size, big. I miss that cup, but I still have my beautiful, talented and thoughtful friend...

Coming Soon: How I Save Money And Energy With One Small Tea Bag, A Percolator, A Thermos And A Yeti Stainless Steel Cup... If you can't find bulk teas in your area I have discovered a way to get the most out of using a small tea bag. Energy saving method...Keep your eye out for this upcoming post... 


Mrs. Smith

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