Saturday, June 25, 2022

My Favorite Cookbooks...

I love books. You know, the kind that are actually made from paper. I like the feel of having a book in my hand. Add a cup of hot tea with honey and I am a happy camper. I believe that knowledge is important and having it at my fingertips is empowering.  I don't have to depend on the internet or a power source in order to read. Books are a form of security for me. 

Cookbooks are not only a source of knowledge, but also a source of entertainment. I like the challenge of making good food without breaking the bank. We all have to eat, so why not make it fun, healthy and as affordable as it can be? I like simple recipes that have simple ingredients. I can use my imagination and make a feast out of basic ingredients. Number one tells me all the time that I never follow a recipe and he is right. I substitute ingredients all the time. I do this to use up what I have on hand. 

Traveling to the store to purchase ingredients in this day and age does not make sense anymore. It is 74 miles round trip to the closest grocery store. Lets break the gasoline cost down for an extra excursion to the grocery store. Gas on average is $5 a gallon. It takes at least four gallons to get to the store and back. That is $20 just to go to the store.

I purchased most of my books from yard sales, thrift stores, used book stores and I have purchased  books from stores that offered deeply discounted prices. Paying retail is not for me. 

More-With-Less Cookbook is an amazing book with lots of tips from people who have experienced all kinds of conditions all over the world on the mission field and in homes across America. The goal of this cookbook is to have enough food for everyone in the world. This is so important in a world full of food shortages.

Back To Basics is more than a cookbook. This book is all about traditional skills and traditional foods. This book taught me how to bake bread like no other book could. 

This is a cool cookbook. It is based on the spoon method of calculating the cost of individual recipes. The prices may no longer apply, but this book is still so relevant to the circumstances that we find ourselves in today.

Spoon Method Rating System.

Quilt Country is all about people who live completely free from all modern conveniences. These are their recipes that they use everyday and they can cook!

The Joy Of Cooking is all about serious cooking. From basic biscuits to bisques. You will not be disappointed. The techniques in this cookbook are a gold mine of knowledge.

My arsenal of go to cookbooks.

This is the absolute best sandwich and toasting bread recipe. This is the recipe that finally taught me the basics of bread making.   

This is my "Wonder Bread". 

Mrs. Smith

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