Tuesday, October 18, 2022

How To Make Your Own Kombucha Scoby At Home...

This is the recipe and instructions that I have used successfully many times.

Steeping the tea and sugar.

Raw plain Kombucha and cooled tea.

Day 1

Our home is very cool this time of the year, so we use a warming mat to keep the Kombucha at temperature while it is fermenting. 

Day 2

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

This jar is too small to ferment a full batch of Kombucha in. It is perfect size to make the Scoby in. I will use a gallon size jar to start my Kombucha in.

Day 9

Day 10
I poked a hole in the Scoby when I removed it from the original Jar. It's about 1/4 inch thick or more. This picture is the beginning of my first ferment using my new Scoby. I should have a completed batch of Homemade Kombucha in about 13 days. It will be Fermented, carbonated, flavored and bottled. I will document and share the process. 


Mrs. Smith

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