We woke up to snow on the peaks this morning. We had a little rain and more is on the way. Longs Peak is suppose to get 18.5 inches this weekend. This could have changed over the last few days.
It is also the beginning of gun season for Pronghorn. So far, we have not seen any trespassers or illegal hunting from the road. We have a strong Wildlife Officer presence this year. They had a vehicle pulled over with several hunters standing outside for almost a hour. I imagine they all have very large tickets to pay.
I also hear a lot of shotguns going off. Duck season must have started too. We have large bodies of water nearby. There are not very many hunters. Usually, it's like a rodeo of bullets in every direction along with illegal trespassing. Irresponsible hunters are very dangerous.
The bluebirds are still here. They are training their young and getting ready to fly South. |
The last hummingbird left about two weeks ago. |
The storm that brought the snow gave us a bright rainbow. |
The sunset was incredible... |
Things To Be Happy About:
A lock-in at church
Canvass totes
Finding a lost glove
Shasta soda
Yoo Hoo chocolate drink
Looking for God in everything
Standing on solid ground
When all the hunter's go home
When Summer vacationer's go home
A cool breeze
A fan blowing at night
Thumbholes in a hoodie
Always having enough
Mrs. Smith
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