Thursday, December 1, 2022

Delayed Deliveries, Lost Packages And My Computer Is Sick...

I was so disappointed that the cookware we ordered did not show up today. Now, it says Sunday, but they do not deliver on Sunday. I'm not sure what happened, but what I do know is that it shipped from Texas and ended up on the East coast in North Carolina. We are in the wild wild West...

We did receive another late delivery today. The delivery company left it at our gate in the snow. This is not a normal practice, but we found out that we have a new delivery driver. The other driver lasted about two weeks. It must be a tough job especially this time of year.

My computer started having some serious issues, so we had to order a new computer that should be here on Monday. We will see if it actually shows up on time. I think the problems are not only about shippers, but also with the distributers.

The Post Office has lost a package that we shipped out a couple weeks ago. It still has not shown up. We have about a week before a refund has to be issued to our customer. Hopefully, it will start moving through the system soon.

"When it rains it pours" is a fair description of what we have been experiencing as far as having to replace so many items at once. We are grateful that we have been able to buy everything at discounted prices due to extended Black Friday sales and Cyber Monday sales. I didn't mention that we are also in the market for new tires too. Tires have not escaped inflation, rising by 24% over the last two years. Ouch!!!

Mrs. Smith


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