Thursday, December 22, 2022

I Slept Through The Storm...


I slept through the storm last night. I must have been exhausted after many nights of restless sleep. Number One says that "It roared" all night long. We only have a couple of inches of snow, but it was the wind that was so fierce.  

Wouldn't it be nice to sleep through all of the storms of life? That was my first thought this morning when I found out that I had slept through the storm. Wouldn't it be nice to wake up and find out that everything is as it should be? 

Scripture speaks about such a time when all things will be as they should be. Here are a few Scriptures that I cling to when I am struggling with the things of this decaying world.

Adonai is near those with broken hearts; he saves those whose spirit is crushed. 
Psalm 34:19

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. 
Psalm 147:3

In my distress my comfort is this: that Your promise gives me life.
Psalm 119:50

It is blowing up a ground blizzard right now.

Things To Be Happy About:
Having a warm place to ride out the storm
Scriptures to cling to
Staple removers
Flocked wallpaper
Old dogs

Mrs. Smith

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Picture of the Day - Buffalo