Sunday, February 12, 2023

What Do People Do On Super Bowl Sunday If They Don't Watch The Super Bowl?

We do not watch the Super Bowl very often. Sometimes, we watch the commercials that cost enough to feed the world for a few days, but generally speaking we do not watch.

I am watching the Walking Dead while I do some sewing. Nothing major, just repairing a few items that needed some darning. Number One is doing a few things too. Sundays are usually a little slow around here. We just catch up on a few things before Monday rolls around. 

I decided to share another round of "Things To Be Happy About" in words and pictures.

Mrs. Smith

Things To Be Happy About:
Bluebird motor homes
Classy headbands 
Pictures that pop up on your phone from a year ago
Fingernail file
Watching talented street artists

Sabbath bread

Slider buns

Signs in your food

Leaving the city

Wintering over outside plants

Trying to get a picture underneath a bloom


Hoar frost

I love this stuff!

JalapeƱo cheddar bagels 

Finding the warmest spot in the house

Homemade sauerkraut

Fermenting bubbles


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