Thursday, May 30, 2024

Rice Griddle Cakes

We really enjoy these Rice Griddle Cakes. They are not as dense as pancakes
 and cook a lot faster. 

This recipe makes 12 6-inch griddle cakes. I'm not sure why I would
make 24 small ones. I'm lucky if the last few aren't as big as a plate. 

The original recipe does not call for using a blender. Follow the recipe above if you don't use a blender. I use a blender, but it is not necessary. I soaked the cooked brown rice, instead of white rice, in two cups of milk instead of just one cup because I used whole powdered milk instead of fresh milk. It was just easier than mixing up two batches of milk. I also soaked the rice for two days instead of one because I wasn't ready to cook them after one day. I like recipes that can be adjusted to my needs. I rarely follow a recipe as I have stated in previous blogs.  

I used brown rice instead of white rice. Chefs' choice...

If using a blender, pour soaked rice into blender along with
the milk and blend for a couple minutes.

Melt shortening or coconut oil. Yep, I said it! Coconut oil can replace
the shortening. I'm sure that even regular oil or butter
can also be used instead of shortening. 

Sift flour, salt, sugar and baking powder together.

I made a giant mess in between the cabinet
and the stove and all over the floor. I accidently hit the sifter. UGH!

Add the egg, and pour the flour mixture on top of the rice mixture
along with the melted shortening. 

Blend until silky smooth. I had to add a bit more flour due to the moisture content
 of the flour I used. It should have a consistency a little thinner than pancake batter. 

The batter pours nicely out of the blender.

Flip the pancake when it looks like this.

They cook pretty fast, so don't leave them unattended. 

Let cool completely before storing. Store in the refrigerator or freezer.
If storing in the freezer, separate each cake with parchment paper
and place in a freezer baggie or container. This also makes it easy to pull
out the exact amount needed instead of having to thaw out the whole
entire stack just to get them apart.

Mrs. Smith

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