Monday, June 24, 2024

31 Days of Living Well & Spending Zero Challenge - Postponed By a Few Days

We are just a few days away from the start of our 31 Days of Living Well & Spending Zero Challenge. Our goal is to spend absolutely nothing! We all have expenses like gas and bills, so those expenses do not count and neither do emergencies. 

The last time we went to the grocery store, we purchased milk and lettuce. That was 12 days ago. We didn't even know about the challenge at that time. We are not running to the store to stock up before the challenge begins. We want to experience exactly what this challenge has in store for us. When we run out of something, we are out. 

I plan on sharing the good, the bad and the ugly of this challenge along with the alternatives we are using to overcome any outages that we experience. This challenge is not about doing without, it's about so much more. There is a Living Well aspect to this challenge also. Each day has a different goal to complete to aid in the challenge of Living Well as well as Zero Spending. 

I will also share why we postponed the challenge, even though we still adhered to the Zero Spending rule. Sometimes good things happen too! 


Mrs. Smith

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