Thursday, July 11, 2024

31 Days of Living Well & Spending Zero Challenge - Homemade Bean Flour - Hospitality

Day 11 & 12 

We are feeling better, but still taking it easy. Luckily, we didn't have to clean any children's rooms on Day 10, since we do not have any children's rooms. This gave us a chance to recover a bit. We did set up an air mattress in the living room for me to use until I can recuperate. I cannot sleep in our bed, it's too soft. 

On Day 11, I did a bit more cleaning, but nothing major or exciting. Being challenged is not just about the victories. It's also about overcoming the stumbling blocks and moving forward towards the finish line. The path there isn't always the way we pictured it.  

We ended up having unexpected company on Day 12 for most of the afternoon. Yes, with an air mattress in the living room floor and a coffee table in my kitchen we had company show up! I kept telling myself that being hospitable is biblical and it doesn't matter what my house looks like, so I welcomed the strangers into my home, broke out the iced tea and had the best time visiting with our new friends. What a blessing! I hope that they stop back by before leaving the state.

I was able to make bean flour beforehand and that's about all I achieved other than cleaning the bathroom, replacing a button and washing dishes twice. 

Sort through the beans discarding any broken or discolored beans.

I found the oldest bag of pinto beans when I inventoried the pantry at the beginning of the challenge that I had forgotten about a long time ago. I remembered that it was the bottom of a 10-pound bag that I had transferred into a gallon sized baggie. I decided to try and make bean flour out of them using my blender. It worked beautifully.

Ready to go!

Just process a small amount of beans at a time for the best results. 

It's loud, so be prepared.

At the 1-minute mark it was coarse but turning into a fine powder.

It was perfect after three minutes on high.

Bean flour is nutrient dense and adds protein and fiber to any recipe. Bean flour is gluten free and can be used in gluten free recipes. Add black bean flour to brownies and no one will suspect a thing. Bean flour is a great thickener for soups, stews and gravies. Additionally, bean flour can be used in many bread recipes.

Mrs. Smith

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