Friday, August 30, 2024

We Took a Little Road Trip...

We missed our trip to Beavercreek Colorado to see our friends because we were sick last week. We had another trip planned for this week. Even though we were weak from being sick, we were no longer contagious, so we hopped in the car and headed into the high(er) country.


We took Wilson with us, Lol. The country has been working on the roads and have turned everything into a giant dust bowl. They converted paved roads into dirt roads instead of fixing them. Dozens of loads of gravel and dirt have been brought in by the semi load every day for months and months. They haven't even started on our road yet, but they used it non-stop creating terrible road conditions.

We have picked up a half dozen license plates this year alone. Number One Husband found a smashed fish finder yesterday and today we found a griddle. We have seen all sorts of trailer lights, boat trailer parts and semi-truck parts. There are several hub caps littering the roads along with parts of campers. It is a sad state of affairs when the roads are so bad that car parts actually break or fall off vehicles.

Someone is going to be disappointed when they realize the
brand new grill they bought for this holiday weekend is missing.

It cleaned up nicely and the only damage that I could find was
a small chip on the edge that doesn't affect the griddle at all. 

I digress, sorry. Back to the road trip...We stayed at the same resort we stayed in a few months ago. This time we stayed in a studio and had a mountain view instead of a creek side view on the ground floor. I must say, I liked the mountain views.

We only left the room once to walk on a nearby by trail that followed the creek that fed the beautiful pond. It was a gentle trail, but we were exhausted when we got back. We didn't even walk down the road to get our favorite apple fritters for breakfast. Hopefully we will get our strength back soon.

Murphy beds are so cool and are a great space saving invention. This room boasted a Murphy bed and a king-sized bed.

I spent hours soaking in the tub and listening to music. 

We picked up some sandwich supplies along with a box of cereal. $80 bucks! 

We are so blessed to live in such a gorgeous place! 

Before we left, I decided to move back into our bedroom since my back was doing better. I deflated the air mattress, put up the blankets and put the sheets in the laundry to wash them when we got back home. It's nice to have our home in working order again. I also did some cleaning and organizing done before we left. 

When we got home, I got the laundry started including the bedclothes from our bedroom. I sprayed the room down with Lysol and I opened up the windows to let in the fresh air and sunshine to help with disinfecting the room. I had been doing that every day for several hours while we were sick. I've been doing a thorough cleaning of each room now that we are not contagious anymore. Germs give us the creeps! 

We slept for fifteen hours last night. We needed some serious catch-up sleep apparently. All the laundry is done, and the house is nice and clean. Number One Husband is grilling chicken, and I baked buns for Angel Fire Grilled Chicken Sandwiches. I tried a new bun recipe that I will share on my next post. The Sabbath begins soon, and I have just a few finishing touches before it starts. Shabbat Shalom!

Mrs. Smith

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