Thursday, September 5, 2024

First Snow on the Peaks! Ran Out of Power!

It's way too early for snow! We actually have snow lower than 11,000 feet. It's not much, but it's there. I can't see the higher peaks due to the cloud coverage, but I'm sure it's there since snow is on the lower elevations. I love snow! You would think that I would grow tired of its limitations, but I don't. 

It's a bit chilly!

When the clouds cleared, I could see the snow.

We actually ran out of power early this morning. It's not a big deal, except we do not have our generator in place. It has been mostly cloudy all week. We were able to limp by without using the generator all week long, limping by means not using our giant TV or power sucking heating elements, so we just stayed snuggled up in bed until it grew lighter outside. We then turned our system back on to run the house. I still need to do the dishes when we are charged up a bit more.

It does look like we will have to run the generator later this evening, but for now we are getting enough power to run things. We monitor our usage closely on days when we have limited sunlight. For instance, I did not do the dishes last night because I knew that we might not have enough power this morning. I wasn't far off, but I didn't plan for the early morning rain/snow showers. Usually, the early morning sun would have been enough to keep our system running.

We have been avoiding running the generator unnecessarily. Our gas bill has been off the charts due to the high cost of fuel. It is our second highest bill, groceries being the highest. It's just not right! 

The Boston Brown Bread that I steamed in the Saratoga Jacks Thermal Cooker is cool and ready to slice for breakfast. I will have a post up on the blog soon. 

Mrs. Smith

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