Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Book Reviews

When we were away from our homestead last week, I found these books(extremely discounted of course) at a book sale. I have seen these books before for about $20 a piece at a box store, but could not pull the trigger. I found both of these books at the book sale marked $9 a piece, but only paid $16 for both. My patience paid off, since I did not have to have them right away I found a better deal. It was something that I could do without at $40, but both for $16 I thought to be a real bargain.

 I dearly love books, especially instructional ones like cookbooks. I also enjoy reading books about  people's lives that are similar to my own. I learn how they accomplish their goals and live their simple lifestyle through their trials and errors. They have already been down the road that I am traveling and a lot can be learned from their experiences. True pioneers who have already learned the hard lessons and want to share the wisdom that they have gained from their experiences. I'm grateful to these homesteader's who have gone before those of us who are still working out the kinks in our own plans.

Simple living does not mean easy living...
We can all use some healthy living...

Take the bible for example, we can learn so much from God's word by the examples He gave us. Many of God's people made devastating decisions while trying to help God out with His promises that he made to them. Abraham and Sarah tried to help God out a lot. God promised Abraham that He would make him the father of many nations through Sarah. Sarah got a little impatient with God's plan and gave Abraham her maidservant to help God out. Well, that action created a nation who fights against Israel to this day. How about Abraham giving Sarah to a King out of fear for his own hide. That poor king didn't know what hit him when God started removing yet another obstacle that they put in front of His promise to them. God does not need our help, He wants our cooperation and obedience.

God is good. He removes all of the barriers and obstacles that we place in front of our relationship with Him and gives us more opportunities to get it right. His love endures forever. His mercy is endless. I love that God takes those who are less than perfect(we all are) and uses them to glorify His kingdom. Praise Him!

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