Wednesday, April 11, 2012

If You Like What You Read And Hunting Season...

Good morning everyone! I have a big favor to ask you. I know, I know you all are very busy and it's hard to squeeze one more thing in. I can appreciate that. I'm going to ask anyway. If you like what you read on my blog, please share my blog with others.

I know that I had to slow down when I injured myself, but I'm back and would like to reach more followers and the best way to do that is by "word of mouth". Thanks to all of my friends out there for your help...

Well, it's hunting season again. It's the season to bag mice. It's that time of the year when they have their offspring and try to get into everything. It happens twice a year for us. When it thaws and when it freezes. We have come up with a way to beat them at their game, we trap them outside. This works for us and we rarely get one inside.

Our dogs usually let us know when they are back. They are great scent hounds. They are great hunters too. They have killed more than we have. Mice are very destructive. They can get into your larder and you will never know it until it is too late. They carry all sorts of diseases like Hantavirus in the West. In times of drought this virus rears it's ugly head. Think "Ebola" and you will know some of the the symptom's of Hantavirus.

This is not my pic, I would have to move...

Our dogs have gone outside at dusk before and killed a dozen mice that were around the house. It was a real eye-opener. This past winter was very mild, so I imagine that they will have larger numbers than last year. We caught three last night in the traps that Number One set out around the house. We keep a trap or two set inside, but have not caught any.

I keep everything in glass jars. I don't care for plastic. You never know what toxins they have been made with that can leach into your food. I have always used glass even in the city. You don't have to live in the country to have an infestation of mice. We have only had a stray mouse here and there, but we keep our defences up and this has worked for us.

Our baby chicks will be here soon and we will have to take extra measures to fight off an infestation. Mice love to feed on animal food. We will keep our animal feed in a metal trash can. The chickens will keep their yard picked clean, so we hope this will prevent any problems. Happy mouse hunting...

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