Thursday, June 21, 2012

"Our Poor Babies"

Our little angel dogs, Hi Ho and Abby, both had to have surgery yesterday. We left at 5:50 am yesterday morning to get them to the vet by 7:30 am. We picked them up at 4:30 pm. Hi Ho had to have a growth and nipple removed. They sent it off to determine if it was benign or malignant. Abby had to have a tooth removed. They both had to have their teeth cleaned while the were sedated. Wow, poor little babies.

It was a long hard day and night for us all. They were very sedated even after we got home. Hi Ho tried to jump on the bed and tore a stitch. We had to put our mattress on the floor in the living room until next week. I put her in sort of a sleeve to keep her from licking her stitches. I will take a picture when she's up and about. They had scrambled eggs, milk, dry dog food and bacon for breakfast. As you can imagine they did not have much of an appetite, so I helped them out a little bit.

We picked up most of our supplies for the chicken coop yesterday while we were in town. You are going to be tickled when you see what we came up with. With Number One's building skills and my fun ideas, we are going to be the talk of the chicken community. Due to the sheer cost of building materials, we had to get very creative.

The fire is still burning. It has reached 1,145 acres and it is 23% contained. We had to drive past the command center yesterday and it is impressive. Continue praying for those affected by the fire, many are out of money and are having to find alternatives. The church has firefighters sleeping in the basement. I just received an email canceling the women's night out scheduled for this evening. We do not want to displace them even for a couple of hours. They really need their rest. please pray for their continued safety.

I just tried getting a picture of the dogs when the came out to get a drink of water. They found me to be annoying and refused to pose for me. I will keep trying. Have a blessed day and remember God loves you!

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