Monday, December 27, 2021

The Sky Is Falling... Or Is It?


I find myself constantly looking for evidence that the sky is falling. I don't know if it is because of the pandemic or that I have just not gotten use to this crazy new world. 

Everyday brings more news to make me feel like it is actually falling. The constant bombardment of cataclysmic events has me on edge. People are suffering. We are all missing, well, "normal".

As I look outside and see the barren snowless landscape, where there should be five foot snow drifts by now, I wonder what the fire season will bring? Fire season seems to have already started. It is so dry and warm that we are under a fire ban in our county. It is almost January! Number One is making plans to cut down more grass to extend out our imaginary fire line. 

I don't know how to ignore these huge flashing warning signs. I also do not know how to navigate through them. It is a frustrating time.

As I sit here and drink my hot tea I am reminded that I am so very blessed. I am going to turn my anxious thoughts into thanksgiving. 

The only thing that I know for certain is that we must press through these trying times. We must finish the race. It's how we run the race that counts. 

Mrs. Smith

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