Saturday, February 5, 2022

If Dishes Were Wishes...


This small pile was not my inspiration. It was a much larger pile after a Sabbath day's rest. I did not take a photo of the original pile.

If Dishes Were Wishes

If dishes were wishes I'd wish everyday

That they would wash, rinse, dry and 

put themselves away...

Have you every wondered how many dishes you have washed in your lifetime? I was wondering this the other day when I had a sink full staring at me. I wrote this little poem with soapy wet hands. Talk about inspiration...

I then realized how grateful I was to have dishes to wash. The dirty dishes reminded me of the meal we just ate and how grateful I was for our food. 

Every since then when I am staring at a sink full of dishes I am reminded to be grateful to God, our provider and the giver of all good and perfect gifts.


Mrs. Smith

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