Thursday, March 31, 2022

Happenings... Blog Silence

I am so sorry for the blog silence lately. It is a busy season in our life right now. Number One put new flooring and a new toilet in the bathroom. He is also doing some maintenance to the house. Spring cleaning and organizing is always necessary after wintertime. Things get moved around and packed into our small domicile all Winter long. Lots of gloves, hats and outerwear have to be packed back up and properly stored again until next season. Tools need to be put back in their place, so we can find them when we need them.

Our neighbors have sold their home and are consolidating what they have left after moving to their new home in  Alaska. They, for obvious reasons, cannot take everything with them. They had already purchased many items for their new home when they moved. We were gifted this cool lamp. I really like it. It's very unique. They are also giving us their very nice BBQ grill. It is a propane grill that we can use during a fire ban. We have been in a fire ban all Winter. We will pick it up right before they close on their house.  

They also brought us some fish that they had caught in Alaska and they gave us some frozen beef and chicken from their giant freezer. They did not have enough room in their coolers to fly it all home. We ended up with 7 large roasts and several pounds of chicken. They bought a cow last year and had it processed, so they have a lot of beef to fly home. Our chickens ended up with expired crackers and boxed cereals. Happy chickens!!!

I cooked a chuck roast in the Sun Oven today. Number One will slice it on the slicer and use it for lunchmeat. It is time to bake bread too. We are out. It's hard to bake or cook in a construction zone, so we have been out of bread for a week or so. 

So, that is what we have been up to for the past two weeks among other things. We have been watching the things of this world unfold. How much crazier can it get all at once? It is non-stop with the crazy. I hope all is well with you and yours. Be safe and take care.


Mrs. Smith


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