Saturday, May 21, 2022

Snow Burgers...An All American Favorite Memorial Day Meal With A Twist (Snow)...

We were so blessed with copious amounts of snow when we woke up this morning. We really needed the moisture to help with the drought and the fires. It was more snow than we had all Winter. 

Solar panels and fire ring

This is the protected side of the house. 

Number One is cleaning off the solar panels.

Number One trudging through the snow.

This is also the protected side of the roof from the wind. As you can see, it didn't matter. This is the most snow that we have seen on our roof. Usually, the wind doesn't allow it to accumulate like this.

Number One made a path for us to get to the grill.

The snow is starting to melt.

Number One cleared the snow off the grill cover.

We pressed out 24 hamburgers yesterday.

We grilled 8 of them.

These are the best hamburger buns. The are affordable at Sam's, but extremely expensive at regular grocery stores. I reused the bun bag to store the grilled burgers in. These grilled burgers also freeze very well. 

I individually froze the raw pressed out burgers. I will put them in freezer bags as soon as they are frozen. 

Number One figured out that each burger costs $1.45 to make at home. Each ground beef patty weighed 1/3 lb. and cost $1.00 each. The bun cost .45 cents. This is a very affordable burger and they taste better than the $6 to $7 fast food burgers. They are healthier for you too. Serve with a side of homemade baked beans and potato salad and you have an inexpensive all American favorite meal that is affordable for your Memorial Day gathering even if it snows...

Mrs. Smith 

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