Monday, June 13, 2022

Extreme Weather And Other Events On The Ranch


It was 90* here on Saturday. We have only seen this high of a temperature one other time and that was in Late July a few years ago for just a few minutes. Usually, we hit the high 80's for a couple days late in the Summer. We are high in the Mountains at around 9000 feet. This is an extreme temperature especially for early June. 

We were blessed with some cloud coverage that lowered it to the high 80's later in the afternoon. The sun is really intense at this altitude anyway, but with the heat it was too much for this girl. I like it in the 60's inside and out. In fact, I find it difficult to sleep when it is above 70* in the house. 

We kept the doors closed and the shades drawn. It hit 84* before noon. I was shocked. I'm sure we broke all kinds of records if they actually kept records in this remote area. I hope that this is not the new normal. 

On a lighter note, we saw our first Pronghorn Antelope baby on Friday and one on Sunday. They are so cute. This is also earlier than normal. Maybe the animals know something we don't. 

We lost our pet hen this afternoon. She died in my arms. I noticed yesterday that she had a dirty bottom and today she wasn't acting right. I brought her inside to clean her up and give her a warm soak in case she was egg bound. She died before I turned the water on. 

She loved to jump on our laps and lay down. She was a funny creature. Very smart. She was not hand raised, she just did it on her own. Very sweet natured. I took this photo a couple of days ago. She was just fine. No sign of illness or injury. 

Goodbye Sweet Friend, You Will Be Missed...


Mrs. Smith


  1. I am so sorry for your loss of your friend. It's quite humorous what we allow our hearts to become close to sometimes.
    My new friend here in NC has a chicken with arthritic legs, hence "Ophelia" can't walk. She carries her everywhere, even takes her camping! She's quite a hit, especially with kids. It's going on over a year.....the things we do for God's creatures! They all have a unique purpose.
    I remember leaving the ranch up there in the dead of winter when it's minus 30, but I remember the awesome summers where the air conditioning is regulated by how much to raise or lower the windows!
    May this be a fleeting quick pattern of heat, and may you return to enjoying the serenity of the high plains.

  2. It got cold last night. The heat came on with the windows open. I had to get up and turn the heat off. I left the windows open and snuggled with Princess Abigail AKA Abby The Dachshund. It was 55 degrees inside the house...

  3. Now that's more like it! Senior Samuel Doddlebug Graham the Chiweenie is still my one and only snuggle buddy.
    But I have to pay for A/


Shabbat Shalom!