Saturday, January 7, 2023

Happenings And New Beginnings...


I am sorry for the blog silence lately. I finished up last year's studies and a book that I have been reading for a while now. I started new studies at the beginning of the year. My new studies are actually studies that I have had, but they were set aside until I completed the others that I had chosen beforehand. I also started a 30-day course this week at the last minute. 

I love new studies, taking online courses and reading books. Unfortunately, I want to participate in many of them at the same time, but I have to keep focused on what I am currently doing, or I will not benefit from any of the studies if I spread myself too thin. I will add short 4–6-week studies during the year to keep from becoming stuck in the monotony of a long study or course. Some studies can take years to finish. 

I would have books stacked to the ceiling, if I didn't maintain some semblance of control. I am not a big fan of fiction books of any kind. I like to read books that bring me joy and that teach me how to do things. I also like to read biographies and history books. 

I wish...
Now, science-fiction movies are a different story. The last season of The Walking Dead is on Netflix, and I spent way too much time sitting and watching it yesterday. I am paying the price today. I'm using my faithful hot water bottle as I type this post.

I have had to set up a new quiet space again. I am having trouble getting comfortable. Ever since the wreck, this has been an ongoing issue for me. Sitting for any length of time is well, painful. As of this morning, I'm not sure this space is going to work either. This makes the third space in as many months. I am running out of options.

New Beginnings

A lot of people wait for the new year to start new habits, goals or projects. For me, every day is a new beginning. I don't have wait for a new year to make the changes I need to make or face challenges that I need to face. I have taken this path, but I never have liked the outcome. I often have wondered, in these instances, why I waited so long or what life would have looked like if only I would have...

This verse gives me hope and strength to continue on and start fresh every morning if need be...

Don't put off things that you want to accomplish or change. We are not guaranteed that we will even have a tomorrow.  A simple task can easily become an overwhelming monumental job if not taken care of properly and in a timely fashion. 

Putting things off is like putting off a much-needed repair to a leaky roof that becomes a collapsed roof over time or not saying "I'm sorry" or asking for forgiveness or not forgiving someone before the damage is done. Take inventory of your "Too Do's" and get them done before it's too late...

Things To Be Happy About:

Hot water bottles

Hot Air Balloons

Hot French fries

Hot Pockets

Hot house tomatoes in the winter 

Hot soup on a cold day...

Shabbat Shalom,

Mrs. Smith

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Picture of the Day - Buffalo