Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Free Counseling Services-Crazed Woman At The Store...

The weather turned cold, and we received a couple inches of snow last week. It warmed back up after a few days and the wind has been roaring. The snow is gone, but we may get some more tomorrow. I think that the world and the weather has gone mad. 

The non-stop constant tragedies that are circling the globe has people on edge. I was at the store a couple of weeks ago getting my frozen fruit selection out of the freezer, when a woman came into my space and started throwing items into her basket. She kept running into me and continued throwing her "items into the basket" fit. She was absolutely ready to lose what was left of her self-control at any moment. I was feeling very threatened by her odd behavior every time that I saw her. I felt sorry for her and her groceries, but I was very aware of her and changed my course, to avoid any conflict with this crazed woman. 

I see advertisements for free counseling services everywhere. When they first started offering these free counseling services it was for kids only, but now it is for everyone in need. Just do a search for free counseling services in your area if you or someone you know needs counseling; it is out there for free. Sometimes a friendly ear is all that is needed to help change the path we are on. I encourage you to seek wise counsel with a trusted pastor, friend or a counselor if you need help. 

Be safe,

Mrs. Smith

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