Thursday, February 2, 2023

Meal Prep - Freezer Meals - Day 4 - Side Dishes and Tying Up Loose Ends - Last Day!

This is our last day of meal prepping and our last post in this series. We only had a few more things to do today including tying up some loose ends and making some staple side dishes to go with the meals that we prepared.

I must tell you that I am glad that we are finished with this endeavor and grateful that we have a freezer full of healthy prepared meals. I tried to calculate how many servings, but I did not keep up with the numbers. 

I bagged up two very full quart baggies of Carne Guisada. 

I measured out the rice and picked out the smallest potatoes to cook in the pressure cooker. It wasn't hard picking out the potatoes, because we haven't had decent potato harvest for a couple of years now, but the prices keep going up and the quality keeps going down. 

I also peeled some potatoes to make hashbrowns.

Ready to go.

We needed another salad too.

The chickens eat the scraps, but they cannot eat raw potato skins, they are toxic to chickens.

I made a big pot of Taco soup. neither one of us care for chili, so I made up this recipe years ago. It is a favorite of ours. it's a great way to add beans to your diet. 

I bagged up the rice after it cooled off, and I left some in the fridge.

Number One sliced the chicken.

We had freshly cooked Taco soup and grilled cheese sandwiches from the freezer for lunch.

I bagged up the sliced chicken. I froze one and left one out.

 Taco soup is also good served over hot rice. We had it for a light easy dinner Thursday evening.
The recipe for Carne Guisada is coming soon. I hope that you enjoyed this meal prep series. Feel free to share a good recipe in the comment section. We could all use a little inspiration these days. 

Things To Be Happy about:
The beginning and the ending and everything in the middle
Tap lights
Fig Newton's
The feeling you feel when you go into a store and come out with nothing because you have everything you need.
Tying up loose ends
The saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".
Dust covers on books
A welcoming lived-in home
Refrigerator glassware
The finish line

Mrs. Smith

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