Saturday, June 8, 2024

Meal Preps - Finishing Touches

We were finally able to grill this morning before the wind started. I had big plans, that didn't work out, for meal prepping. However, it just took extra time. The food itself turned out beautifully. Number One Husband did all the grilling. He inherited his grilling skills from his dad. Here are the rest of the pictures. I will have a recipe up on the blog for Carrot Dogs aka Vegan Hotdogs soon. 

I sliced two chicken breasts for sandwiches.

These are the chicken thighs that were supposed to be turned into chicken sausage, but my grinder attachment bit the dust. It would have been 6-1lb packages. I used the sausage seasoning anyway and will make chicken biscuits for breakfast meals. Until then, I will just freeze the grilled thighs. 

Vegan Hot Dogs - Carrot Dogs. Really amazingly good! 

Homegrown basil micro-greens

I pureed them with olive oil and froze them into cubes for pesto.

I had six potatoes that needed to be used, so I made potato salad and two baked potatoes. I also made coleslaw from a head of cabbage that was in the same state as the potatoes that I didn't take a picture of. Number One Husband dipped into the potato salad, hence the missing helping. Potato salad is really good with a splash of Tabasco.

My bread dough grew and grew. It weighed 3.25 lbs. 

I made two loaves of bread and eight hamburger buns.

Soft and yummy!

Crusty sandwich loaves with a soft crumb.

I think that's it for my meal preps. It is so nice not to have to cook every day. I have been building up my freezer meals and sides for a couple of weeks now. I just make extra every time I cook, and I freeze it. These meals are perfect for busy days. I just add fresh fruits, salads and vegetables to round out the meals. 

Mrs. Smith

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