Friday, June 14, 2024

Outside My Window...

The Sabbath is upon us. I am ready to rest. This week had plenty of trouble. More on that in an upcoming post, but I wanted to share some of the good parts first.  

The dogs came for a visit again. They make themselves at home when they are here. This pup, we call Birdie B, loves to sleep off the ground. She sleeps in the chairs and now on the table that is on the porch. Too funny! 

I moved the pitchback today. It is always in the way and in my pictures.
It was moved there to save it from a windstorm.

We do enjoy their company. My chickens were out of their yard this time when the showed up. They literally decided to leave home when the dogs showed up. They were way out in the pasture, and I had to wrangle them back into their fenced yard. It was like pushing wet noodles. I was able to catch one of them that was hidden under a solar panel. She is very social, so I caught her on the first try. The others, not so much. The dogs couldn't care less about the chickens.

It is Rainbow season aka Monsoon season here in the Rockies. I love living in a place where I can see both ends of a rainbow. A double blessing on God's Big Screen was the first show that played this week. A reminder of God's promise to Noah after the flood in Genesis chapter 9. Hopefully we will see many more of these gorgeous creations this season.

Now it's time to say goodnight and Shabbat Shalom...

Mrs. Smith

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