Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Homemade Beanie Weenies -

I almost forgot to take pictures, in fact, I did not take pictures of some of the beginning process like cooking the beans and part of adding in the ingredients. So sorry! 

I also have to admit that I don't think I have ever eaten canned beanie Weenies. The truth is that I don't really even like hotdogs very much. It's just rolled up bologna to me. Don't get me wrong, on occasion I like to eat a hotdog. I prefer sausages like Beef Polish Sausage and Chicken Brats. 

Now with that being said, I do like uncured beef hotdogs better than the traditional Oscar type beef hotdogs. Vegan Carrot Dogs are a great alternative for hotdogs and vegan hotdogs. Vegan Carrot Dogs    Just checkout the story link below on eating ultra processed vegan meats. This is why I am using Homemade Carrot Dogs in this dish. This is a make it your own kind of recipe. I will give you several alternatives as we go along.

MAKE YOUR OWN! They won't even allow this crap to be sold in other countries...

Plant-based ultra processed foods linked to heart disease, early death, study says Plant-based ultra processed foods linked to heart disease, early death, study says

The ingredients are simple pantry staples that usually everyone has. Let's start with the beans. I pressure cooked a batch of navy beans as the base for my Beanie Weenies. But guess what? A can of any kind of beans of your choice can be used instead. In fact, your own homemade baked beans, a can of vegetarian baked beans, or the baked beans of your choice can be substituted for my homemade baked beans. Heck, for this recipe any type of hotdog can be used also.  

This is where I failed to show where I started adding in the ingredients. Sorry Again! To begin, I added homemade ketchup, and BBQ sauce to my beans until the color was right. I started building the flavors by adding onion and brown sugar, molasses, liquid smoke and just a dab of mustard. A small amount of mustard goes a long way, so be careful. If too much mustard is used, counterbalance it with more brown sugar. From there, I just kept tweaking it by adding more flavor until it was perfect. 

Once I had the taste down, I Simmered on very low to incorporate the flavors into the beans. If using canned beans be careful not to turn the beans into mush. I kept adding small amounts of water while simmering to keep them from burning. When the consistency and flavors were right, I added the sliced Carrot Dogs. If using meat hotdogs, pan fry the sliced hotdogs in a little oil until crisp or grill until slightly blackened for best results.

I added the Carrot Dogs at the end and cooked them another 5 minutes until thoroughly heated. A little salt, black pepper and Jalapeño Tabasco and I was finished cooking. Even though the ketchup and BBQ sauce are already seasoned the beans are not, so a little pinch of salt, pepper and a dash of Jalapeño sauce makes this dish pop with flavor. Let it cool and refrigerate overnight. It will thicken up perfectly.

Reheat with a little water if necessary. The consistency will be very thick. The sweet rich flavor pairs nicely with coleslaw and Homemade Texas Toast. (Thickly cut homemade bread toasted in butter in a skillet)


Remember, this recipe can be as easy as heating up your favorite canned baked beans and crisping up some sliced hotdogs. Make it your own way to fit your own needs. 

Mrs. Smith

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