Monday, July 1, 2024

31 Days of Living Well and Spending Zero - Day 1

Day 1 - The Ground Rules and Commitment

I kind of have a head start on this challenge. We were going to start about 9 days ago, but we ended up taking an unplanned trip. Even though we did not spend any money, we just needed a bit more time. The zero-spending portion of this challenge is going to be about 60 days or more, since we only shop once a month. This makes it a lot harder to stretch things like produce. 

Due to the delay, we will be picking up some fresh items and dog food (even though we don't own any dogs) I have one appointment coming up in the city, so I will pick up the items on my list at that time. There is no sales tax on food in the city, so that will save us around 7% on each item. These items are very basic in nature. Nothing fancy!

Number One Husband makes Kefir almost every day, so milk is a must have or we will have to re-purchase the very expensive cultures. This is a definite must have. I only have three weak carrots, 1/4 head of less than fresh cabbage, 2 overripe onions, 1 1/2 apples and 3 romaine hearts. I used up the last of the very limp celery today. I don't plan on buying much, but it has already been a long time since our last grocery haul. 

The two big dogs that visit regularly are out of food. I have been making them homemade dog food, but they eat more that we do, so I have to buy some more dog food, or I will be out of eggs in a matter of days. I think that the owner leaves them without food for days and days. They stayed here for the two days that we were gone. I had given them all the food I had left and still they waited for us to get back home. So sad!

Grocery or Toiletry Items We May Buy This Month:

Wine (medicinal - migraine and muscle relaxer)

Orange Juice (medicinal - we use it with beef gelatin for our joint care)

Dog food 

Tea (I have been out for weeks. If I don't get it now, it will be another three months or more before I can get some. They may not even have any which is why I am out in the first place)





Romaine lettuce


I know, it doesn't seem like these items are necessary, right? I thought that I would be able to do without until I realized that it would be another three months before we go back into the city. The cost would be exponentially higher if we bought them in town instead. Going back into the city adds an additional $33 for fuel and takes six hours. It is just not feasible. I have thought this through, and this is our best option under the circumstances. 

Things We Have Committed to Paying This Month:





Things We May Absolutely Not Purchase This Month:

Everything that is not absolutely necessary to sustain life 

We can make do and do without until we shop again. We don't participate in the run to the store game or in the eat out traps that suck the life out of bank accounts. Neither of us drink coffee except medicinally for a migraine. The caffeine in the coffee makes me speed talk and run around like a crazy woman, but it is great for a migraine that will not go away, so we have an advantage over most households. Our savings during this challenge will not be huge, but it will be rewarding. 

Other Thoughts:

Enjoy the challenge and be happy!

Be grateful!

Be useful!

Embrace the needed change and growth! 

Mrs. Smith

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Pictures of the Day - Sunrise and More!