Sunday, July 28, 2024

Out My Window - Pictures

Today is a very nice day. The smoke has finally moved out. The sky is clear, and the sun is bright. The chickens are taking advantage of the weather and enjoying bathing in the dirt. We are enjoying a nice relaxing weekend.  

The Pronghorns have ventured close to the house with their young calves. We have a set of triplets this year. It's not unusual to have twins, but this is the first time that we have seen triplets. We have a bumper crop this year. I have counted at least 15 in this group. 


Petunia left us the other evening when we went into the city to shop. I'm sure she headed back home for a while. She will be back unless Animal Control picks her up. Before she left, she spent time keeping watch one evening. I'm sure that she was looking for her friend. She is a really good dog... 

Mrs. Smith

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