Tuesday, July 30, 2024

What's Cooking?

I thought that I would share what I cooked for dinner last night and what I did with the leftovers this morning for Number One Husband's breakfast. He snapped the pictures while I was busy cooking, Unfortunately, he took pictures of me in my pajamas. I got tickled when I saw the pictures of me in my colorful mismatched pajamas. The pictures of me in my winter themed pajama pants and my tie-dye top with my ombre colored cardigan reminded me to look in the mirror more often... 

Skirted Cow, Gritts, Italian Green Beans and Buttered Toast

I used the smokey hamburgers that Number One Husband grilled
for the Skirted Cow.

After we finished eating, I buttered a bowl.

I put the leftover grits in the bowl.

I put a lid on the grits and stored them in the refrigerator

I removed the grits from the bowl this morning. They weren't as firm as 
corn mush would be, but it worked.

I heated up a little butter in a skillet.

I added the chilled grits to the pan.

I fried both sides.

I topped it with grated cheese.

And I served them up. Number One Husband
enjoyed it with the melted cheese, but I would 
have topped mine with butter and maple syrup.

I also made some homemade ketchup last night. You can find my recipe here: 
Homemade Ketchup

Mrs. Smith

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