Monday, August 19, 2024


We have been sick with the flu (Influenza). We have no idea how we got sick or where we would have come in contact with a sick person. Number One Husband was first and within 12 hours I had symptoms. We were supposed to go on a two-night trip soon to visit with friends from Arkansas. 

I have no idea if we are still contagious or not, but we don't want to take any chances with the health and well-being of our friends, plus I feel like *!!/+ still. Number One Husband is on the phone right now with our friends. I don't know if it is going to work out or not. 

We were very excited because we were going to a new place. Last time that they were here, I had broken my front tooth, so only Number One Husband was able to visit with them. 

It looks like we are only contagious for three days (in most cases). Social distancing didn't work, and this flu comes on within one day of exposure. It hits hard and fast. Surfaces must have been the mode of transmission when we picked up a package from the post office. 

After discussing the situation with our friends, we cancelled our get together. I think it's for the best, since I can barely walk to the chicken coop and back without getting absolutely exhausted....

Mrs. Smith

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